What Are Your Personality Traits?

The question of how we can identify personality type rages on despite many generations, centuries even, of effort to answer it. One part of the debate has to do with what influences personality.
Should we look at how someone was raised or identify the gifts God or nature gave them? This nature vs. nurture debate is particularly interesting when you look at the studies of identical twins.
One study, of the American "Jim" twins, has fascinated me for years.
These twins were raised apart and did not even meet until they were 39 years old. When they met, they were astounded to discover how many similarities they had. Both had worked as sheriffs, part-time. Both had married women with the same name: Linda. They were both divorced and had remarried.
Both new wives were named Betty. They had had dogs with the same name and their sons were named "James Alan" and "James Allen" all before they knew of each other's existence. Isn't that amazing?
And what a great argument for nature!
But the research that has been done on birth order argues well for nurture. It seems that parents behave differently with first-borns and youngests, and children have different experiences even in the same family based on when they joined it.
There's a joke about the use of a pacifier with each successive child in the family. With the first-born, the parents sterilize that pacifier each time the baby drops it. With the second child, they employ the five-second rule and hand it back, but are still fairly careful about keeping it clean. Once the last child comes along, they are so busy and distracted that even if the dog slobbers all over it, they pick it up and hand it right back.
Nature and Nurture
When I read someone's hands, using hand analysis, I get to see the influence of both nature and nurture.
Each person's fingerprints are unique and do not change during the course of that person's lifetime. There, I will discover the life purpose they have been given and the lessons they came here to learn. That doesn't change.
But as I look at the other parts of their hands, I see the influence of time and life experience. We are often given gifts as we need them, held in reserve for us, because we usually don't know they are there.
So I may not know what happened that made you require the gift marking that offers courage, but if I see it in your hands, I know that something did. That you now need to use that courage on your own behalf but are not yet using it fully.
I may not know why you have developed the gift of healing, but I know that the first person you will need to use it for is you. And I know that no matter who else you are here to help, the inspiration for that gift was you.
Resolving the Debate
So I find that with hand analysis, I don't need to resolve the debate about which is a more powerful influence. I see the evidence of both nature and nurture and they are both powerful in determining who you are and who you can become.
Remember that with hand analysis, it is possible to know exactly who you are, far beyond personality type.

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