Beat Procastination


We are all guilty at time of putting things off for one reason or another. When we wait till the last minute or simply drop the ball because of procrastination, we have consequences. Why would folks be willing to suffer various consequences avoiding stuff that inevitably must be done anyway?

How to Develop a Success Mindset For Achieving Personal Goals


As anyone who has ever achieved a goal can tell you, success is a sweet feeling. Of course, success has many different definitions, probably as many as there are people to define it. For most, however, success means achieving the goals you set for yourself. No matter what those goals are, having a success mindset is absolutely necessary for achieving personal and professional goals. But what exactly is a success mindset, and how do you get it?
Believe it or not, the first step to achieving a success mindset is as simple as writing down your objective, or what it is you want to achieve. Whatever it is, write it down, and then write it down again. In fact, write it down and hang it all over your home or business, so that you have a constant visual reminder of what your goal is. Not only will these visuals serve as constant reminders of the end goal, but also of the steps you need to go through to achieve that goal.
Which of course should be your second step to achieving a success mindset - make an action plan, complete with a series of smaller goals which will build up to your overall objective. For example, if your objective is to buy a car, then your smaller goals might include getting a job, then saving for a down payment, and finally finding lending and shopping for the car you want. In this simple example, the smaller goals lead up to the overall objective. And taking it back to step one of achieving a success mindset, small pictures of cars hung up around your home can serve as reminders of your overall objective.
Of course, a success mindset requires just a bit more than an objective, goals, and executing those goals. It's also key to both know and internalize the fact that success often takes mistakes, and truly believe that mistakes are not only okay, but good. Thomas Edison wouldn't have invented the light bulb had he given up after his first mistake. It's also key internalize the idea of a high quality of life contributing to success.
What this means is that you don't want to let your objectives take over your whole life. Take time for friends and family, and to have fun, because these contribute to quality of life - which in turn contributes to positive self image and happiness. These are two key characteristics of many successful people, ones who have a success mindset. A success mindset is as simple as that - knowing your objective, being able to set and accomplish goals, and be willing to makes mistakes and take time away from your goals for maintaining positive relationships.

Building Foundations by Setting Goals


There are so many books and information out there on goal setting. If the practice works, as most people would agree, why don't more people incorporate goal setting into their daily lives? There are some who suggest that they do, in fact, set goals for themselves. We have to be careful however. In order for a goal to really be a goal it must possess a few key ingredients. It must be written down. It must be written in first person. It must have a deadline. And, it must be realistic.
I have never run across a book on goal setting that waives from the thought that the goal must be written down. It's a matter of programming the subconscious mind. Our subconscious works even while we're sleeping. Writing our goals down, especially over and over, programs instructions deep into our mind. This programming leads us in our daily activities to do the things we need to do to achieve our goal.
It is critical to write the goal in first person. Studies have shown that the subconscious mind can only accept instructions in the first-person tense. This is the core reason for using the logic of writing our goals in the first person tense.
Do your goals have a deadline? This is quite possibly the most often and most critically abused area in goal setting. Many people say they have a goal and they can generally tell you the basics of what it is but ask them when their deadline is. When do they intend to reach the goal? This should be down to the nearest month or even day if possible.
When we have a deadline on our goals we have a layer of accountability with ourselves. We also have a layer of accountability with those with whom we share our goals. By the way, only share your goals with people who you know will support you 110%.
Realistic goals...that's no fun! Yes, our goals must be realistic. I do agree however, that we must stretch ourselves in life and with our goals. We simply aren't growing if we do not stretch ourselves. Our goals must be out of reach but not out of sight. If we reach a goal, big or small, there should be reason for a celebration. This only makes sense if we achieved something significant. Push yourself a little bit when setting your goals.
If you'll adopt the habit of following these principles and writing your goals down 4-6 times per week your life will begin to change for the better. You can achieve so much more than you ever imagined and goal setting is one tactic to move you toward success very quickly.

Sleep And Hypnotic Trance—Are They The Same?


Pavlov truly believed that sleep and hypnosis were one and the same. Despite of hundreds and thousands of researched papers and published studies and writings, this is still the most popular belief up to this day. In reality, the state of hypnotic trance is more related and associated to the waking state than to the normal sleep. Now let us compare sleep and hypnosis. 1. Reasoning—in a hypnotic trance, the person is perfectly capable of reasoning, though the reasoning itself can be directional due to the suggestion firmly set or instilled by the hypnotist. On the other hand, while sleeping, the typical normal reasoning function and capacity of the person is switched off in the meantime.

2. Induction—hypnosis could be attained even without the suggestion or mention of sleeping. Hypnotic trance is commonly induced by another individual (usually by the hypnotist), while normal sleep is not induced by another individual. 3. Brain Activity—the Electro Encephalogram (EEG), which records the activities in the brain and the electric impulses inside the brain, shows the similar waves during the waking and the hypnotic state. On the contrary, the waves during the normal and physiological sleep are quite dissimilar from the two states. 4. Somnambulism—where the person performs some activities or walks around when asleep is really the deepest form or type of subconscious activity related to a deep hypnotic trance and therefore must not be considered a sleep activity.

4. Tendon Reflexes—in knee jerk when the tendon below the knee cap is gently stroked or tapped with percussion hammer while the knee is flaccid and flexed, there is a jerky forward movement of the legs due to the contracting of the muscles in the thighs. These reflexes in the tendon are abolished or lessened in deep sleep, while these are present during hypnosis. The tendon reflexes are elicited or brought out by firmly but lightly tapping particular tendons to flex or bend the corresponding muscles. This can indicate a normal neuro-muscular and neuro-spinal communications. 5. Suggestibility—in a state of hypnosis, the individual is highly susceptible or easily influenced by suggestions.

On the other hand, the subject would not respond or be receptive to other light sensory stimulus or different suggestions. 6. Muscle Tone—muscles commonly and usually become flaccid from lessened or diminished muscular tone and action when the person is in a normal sleep. On the other hand, the muscles most especially those of the legs and the arms are maintained and retained in a state known as tone rigidity. However, these muscles could be achieved a near and almost flaccid state and be made to relax completely through the proper suggestions during the state of hypnotic trance. Hence, it is a well-known occurrence that individuals fall into a normal sleep after a lengthy and prolonged auto hypnotic therapy or a hypnotic session; this is actually a normal and natural phenomenon.

Although there are times that the hypnotic trance state may be referred to as a guided sleep it is not the same as the normal and physiological sleep at all.

What Is Inspiration And Where To Find It


Sometimes, I used to think what exactly is inspiration? I looked in the dictionary and thesaurus and found out that inspiration is similar with vision (which most people have), genius (hmm…maybe only a chosen few of us are), and also it’s synonymous to influence (now, this really depends on the person and circumstances). But how do you define inspiration-- is it something you do, see, hear, taste or smell? Is it anything which any of your five senses can perceive? It depends on the person really, the reasons behind why we look for it and the various situations surrounding it.

And real inspiration can be compared to a fingerprint, different for every person. My close friend Jessah is a musician and gets her motivation from the different sounds that we have around us. We were out walking in a rainforest one time and I brought along my camera as usual. Then, we came to a nearby clearing and we decided to sit awhile and bask in the relaxing atmosphere that surrounds us. Nature really has some of the greatest and the most original and best pieces of art for those of us that truly take time to notice. As for me, I started to take note all the things I can utilize in my work…the rough edges of the rocks, the shape and majesty of the trees, the grandeur and contour of the heavenly clouds.

However, my friend Jessah just sat down still while listening to the gay birds chirping, the subtle rustle of the leaves, and feeling the cool breeze over the mountains. She actually wanted to work out how to represent everything she absorbs in her music so that other people too would feel as what we did that day. Therefore, same feeling, different people, same atmosphere or setting, different focus—the common denominator is we were both inspired. For an artist like me, I am asked oftentimes where I get the needed inspiration for my work. So instead of my head, I can look into my heart for the answer to that.

Then, the best that I can come up with is anything that moves me as a person, fosters and animates me to do and prod me to do something that I enjoy and love doing. As to where inspiration could be found, well, that’s actually an easy one. If you want inspiration or need it that bad, look around you! It could be found wherever you go and just open your eyes to perceive it. Inspiration can be found everywhere. The universe can always provide something for you. But if you’re waiting for it to strike you like a flash of lightning, well, I suggest that you rely on yourself to get you off your cute little tush and go and look around to find the things to inspire you to lead you into the pathway to your destiny.

Inspiration is after all that very thing which makes you chase your dreams. It’s that blissful and exciting feeling that you get when your heart glides and your soul is moved.

Ready And Aim First Before You Fire


Aiming is a process in planning which takes time and should be done before you could fire your way into into a successful career, organization, relationships, and life in general. I have seen a similar thing in some people’s professional and personal lives most of the time. Several individuals get themselves ready and equipped with power thinking, influential friends, and advanced education, but they usually fire before they even aim. I can still recall an experience of a neighbor of mine which he fondly told me about. When he was just in his teenage years, he and his dad always loved to go on a hunting spree.

They will hunt whatever animal that happened to be in season at that time and anything else that moves. Especially if there were snakes, but that’s another story. On one of their hunting trips, he and his father were about 30 yards from each other just patiently waiting for a certain kind of bird to fly over. My neighbor’s mind was so concentrated and focused, and his gun was now loaded. He was so ready and he promised himself he is going to “outshoot” his father on this particular hunting session. Well, he was already for any encounter and in his “ready” position when he pulled the gun’s trigger by accident.

Bang! As his shotgun let off a loud shoot, he then realized that his shotgun was aiming just within a few feet away from where his father was situated. In his excitement, he obviously fired before he aimed the gun and he almost killed his dad in the process. Now you may ask, “I already know how to fire, and how to get ready but how do I really take aim and then fire?” Or, “Is this just another one of those ‘how to set your goals’ exercises?” no, but in fact this is an exercise in planning your life.

So I made a list of some of the questions given below which could bring out the creative and imaginative part of your brain and in the process, help you build and establish your aim so that you would be able to attain the kind of career, organization, relationships and life that you always aspired for. Planning your life with exact AIM: 1. Do you have anybody or a person in your life to hold you responsible or accountable so you do not fire before you have taken aim or before you’re ready? 2. What standards of excellence, specific review or constant growth of progress do you really need? 3.

A good system is much better than a good friend when it comes to planning your life. So, what’s on your to-do list of activities today which would help you be more like your picture tomorrow? 4. And, where do you want your career, organization, relationships and life to be in the next five years, next decade, or the next 20 years? One way to answer this effectively is to draw a picture. This picture would give you a sense of purpose, energy, and the drive. It will also make you visualize what youre truly aiming at.

Heroes Who Instill Confidence and Courage!


I continue to enjoy watching the Olympic games on TV - winter sports are a favorite of mine. Not only do I get much personal pleasure watching the x-country skiing, the figure skating and the snow-boarding, to name a few of the sports, but I really love listening to the athletes as they are being interviewed. These young people are in a class of their own. I aspire to that level of excellence, both in my personal life and in my business.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962
These athletes did not achieve this level of excellence on their own. Aside from great equipment, a lot of practice, big dreams, etc. - it also takes an inspiring mentor - a hero - someone they look up to and respect - and whose characteristics, habits, attitudes and expectations cause them to want to succeed.
I've had great mentors in my life and one of my heroes is Colin Powell. This was a life-changing moment in my career to have had the invitation to meet him personally. Sometimes a hero, or mentor, is someone closer to home - like the woman who has encouraged, supported and mentored me for over 20 years now - JoLove Beach - this is a woman who, at 85 years of age, still hikes, x-country skis, travels, participates in a regular TV show and much more.
These are 2 very different individuals and yet many of their qualities and characteristics are the same:
  • they had a dream
  • they have vision
  • they have made courageous decisions in their lives
  • they are strong
  • they take risks
  • they are compassionate
  • they listen
  • they persevere
  • they are focused
  • they are continuous learners
and I could go on and on. You get the message
"Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way."
- Eileen Caddy
Whether we are talking about training for the Olympic games, or talking about living your best life, we all need heroes and mentors. One thing I know for sure is that without a Colin Powell or a JoLove Beach in my life, it would not be as easy to become the best person I can be.
We should all be grateful for the gift of life and strive to live our best life.
Who are the heroes in your life and what have you learned from them? I'd love to know. And for whom are you a hero?
  1. Make a list of people who are the heroes in your life.
  2. Make a list of their qualities, traits and characteristics that you admire.
  3. Choose one of the items you listed and work to 'become like' that in your life, and in your work.
  4. Become a hero to a young person - we all need mentors.
Do some of these exercises and I guarantee that you will start to live your best life. When you try new things, you are developing the confidence and courage to move forward and invent the life you truly want to live.