Purge Foreign Negative Thoughts From Your Mind

Negative thoughts although a common daily experience are in no way a part of what it means to be a normal Human Being. So does that mean there is something wrong with you? Well, only that your mind has been invaded by a foreign energy that was never supposed to be inside you. If you'd like to learn about how to purge it read this.
Negative thoughts are essentially what I have called Life Force Energy Parasites. In other words they are foreign to you, live inside of you and while there they feed off of your vital life energy.
You will hopefully recognise the truthfulness in what has been said, not because I expect you to believe it, but rather by how it "feels" to you.
To get at this feeling experience simply answer the following questions for yourself:
1. Would I ever choose to create negative thoughts to torment myself with?
2. What are some of the consequences to me of having negative thoughts living inside me?
If you are honest with yourself you'll recognise that:
1. You would never consciously choose to create negative thoughts to torment yourself with. That of course means that they must be coming from somewhere other than you. In other words they exist within you but are not coming from you.
2. The consequences of having negative thoughts inside are manifold and range from feeling distracted, bad about yourself, drained or depleted of mental, emotional and physical energy, feeling incapacitated and unable to function optimally, etc.
In other words you have something inside of you that is trying to take over your life while it's also trying to kill you.
Now if any of this is resonating with you and you would like to begin to purge these foreign intruders from your mind and body you may start with the following. Place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking from there simply say the following statements:
1. This is my mind, body and life and I claim exclusive ownership, control and mastery over my rightful property.
2. It is my desire to banish all foreign intrusive negative thoughts from my mind and body now.
Now notice how you feel inside. Some of you will have begun to experience a greater sense of clarity, relief, empowerment, peace of mind, joy, alertness, energy and so on.

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